it seems that it is more difficult that i initially anticipated to write in my own blog as well as the farmhouse blog every week. things have been ohsobusy around here the past couple of weeks.
before i write anything about what has been happening,
i would like to introduce any and of all you
to my new home
(with better photos)!
meet my family (my sisterfriends)
in order: sarah, erynn, katerina, cristyrose, me
(and i promise that the next family portrait will be less 'in motion')
this is the house where the interns live. it is so very homey.
and this is my corner of the room that sarah, katerina and i share.
(and that is blue dinosaur on my bolivia blanket)
this is the communal family room. it has a fireplace,
and we have worship services here on sundays evenings.
and this is where the "magic" happens. (oh kitchen!)
this is the backporch area. and yes, that is a huge wood-fire grill.
this is the front porch,
and if you look really closely
you can see the scarecrow that i'm building.
along with the scarecrow, this is photographic documentation of
operation "no mo' crow!"
it has been quite successful.
these are some of the in-transition organic avocado trees.
you have to drive through them on your way in.
it's really nice.
and this is the farm!
you can see romaine, radishes, and some squash from this angle.
here's another view of corn, squash, butter lettuce, arugula, and
red leaf lettuce.
so those are just a few glimpses of
this hugehuge home that i'm a part of now.
things have just been insane at the house.
we had our housewarming on the 6th of september
and around 150 people showed up.
it was miraculous!
it was hopeful!
it was entirely overwhelming!
but we made it through
and the clean-up wasn't even that bad
with biodegradeable cups and plates.
and so many of my friends showed up,
which made my heart grow.
and then, um, we have just a ton of crops that are ready
like radishes radishes radishes.
and arugula (my new favorite green).
and spaghetti squash that is so good for you and so tasty.
and patty pan squash and eggplant and zuchinni and bok choy
watermelon, long of naples squash (which is literally the size of a 3 yr. old child),
pumpkins, butternut squash...
the harvest is truly abundant
and it's also early!
we won't be ready to start selling in markets for about a month,
and we still have a few weeks before our csa starts up.
so we're feasting,
but just cannot eat enough!
i'm just so joyful every time a new crop is ready, though.
i think i might have found what i want to do.
i may just tend the land the rest of my days
and throw parties every time butternut squash is in season
rather than throwing a birthday party.
so much for 24 on friday...
i'm having butternut squash soup!
now that merits a celebration!
(and see
for more of my thoughts on this particular topic)